American dollars, and credit and debit cards are usually accepted in main shops.
Bank of the Argentine Nation (Banco de la Nación Argentina) is the national bank, and the largest in the country's banking sector, although there are many others, including Banco de Cuyo, Banco Patagonia, Banco CrediCoop, Supervielle, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), HSBC, Banco Macro, Banco Galicia, BBVA Banco Francés, Santander Río, ITAU and so ON.
The official currency in Argentina is the Argentine peso (ARS), commonly referred to simply as the peso.
Notes: ARS 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000
Coins: ARS 1 and 2 and 25 and 50 centavos
Coins: ARS 1 and 2 and 25 and 50 centavos
Cash may be taken from ATMs installed in shopping malls, bank branch offices, big supermarkets and in public places 365 days in a year, 24 hours a day.
Foreign currencies may be changed into Peso at banks or private exchange offices called “Casas de Cambio”. They are open from 10 AM to 15 PM during weekdays.
The official current exchange rate may be consuted on the website:
Other rates may be checked on the website:
Foreign currencies may be changed into Peso at banks or private exchange offices called “Casas de Cambio”. They are open from 10 AM to 15 PM during weekdays.
The official current exchange rate may be consuted on the website:
Other rates may be checked on the website:
American dollars, and credit and debit cards are usually accepted in main shops.
In Argentina the standard voltage is 220 V, the standard frequency is 50 Hz and the power sockets are of type C and I.
In Argentina the standard voltage is 220 V, the standard frequency is 50 Hz and the power sockets are of type C and I.
Type C: This socket also works with plug E and F
Type I: This socket has no alternative plugs
Tap water is safe to drink.
October- November Climate & Weather Averages in Buenos Aires
October- November Climate & Weather Averages in Buenos Aires