Reinhart Ceulemans. Centre of Excellence on Plant and Vegetation Ecology.
Department of Biology - University of Antwerp. Belgium.
Annie DesRochers. Forest Research Institute (IRF). Quebec University.
Gianni Facciotto. Council for Agricultural Research and Economics.
Intensive Wood Production Research Unit. Italy.
María Elena Fernandez. National Scientific and Technical Research Council
(CONICET). Argentina.
Leonardo Gallo. National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA).
Emile Gardiner. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center
for Bottomland Hardwoods Research. United States.
Javier Gyenge.
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). Argentina.
Ian McIvor. New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research. New
Andrej Pilipović. Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment -
University of Novi Sad. Serbia.
Brian Stanton. Poplar consultant.
Xiaohua Su. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding. Research Institute of Forestry, CAF. Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working group 2.09.00 (Tree seed, Physiology and Biotechnology). China.
Barb Thomas. Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta. Canada.
Brian Stanton. Poplar consultant.
Xiaohua Su. State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding. Research Institute of Forestry, CAF. Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working group 2.09.00 (Tree seed, Physiology and Biotechnology). China.
Barb Thomas. Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta. Canada.
Joris Van Acker. Laboratory of Wood Technology. Faculty of Bioscience
Engineering. Ghent University. Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working Group 2.08.04
(Physiology and Genetics of Poplars and Willows). Belgium.
Marc Villar.
National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA). Orleans Center. France.
Ronald S. Zalesny Jr. USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station,
Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies. Coordinator, IUFRO Working Group
2.08.04 (Physiology and Genetics of Poplars and Willows). United States.
Deqiang Zhang.
College of Biology Science and Technology. Beijing Forestry
University. Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Working Group 2.08.04 (Physiology
and Genetics of Poplars and Willows). China